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Womenwanderlust went to Europe Part 4 (Austria)

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Winter is coming, pretty early for this year but winter will not be cold for those who have warm memories so let's make warm memory

White snowflakes were sent down along the way to Salzburg, after a week we were blessed with the view of cities and historical place, it's a change before got too boring with the same view

After a short stroll in Munich, Flixbus took us to a freezing Salzburg at night. Don't expect when hotels have the name city center, it's actually in the city and FOR SURE this Meininger Hotel Salzburg City Center IS NOT!!!, and nothing surrounding, only a small supermarket across the street, it's even hard to find a decent restaurant in the evening, not to tell that the restaurant in the hotel only serves alcohol drinks at night. 

Regardless we only had from supermarket but the feeling of eating at 3 cities in a day is wordless.

Breakfast @5 all you can eat
Lunch @3.5 after a serious pick
Dinner @8.26..hmm we must have bought others, this doesn't sound right, at least at the moment this is written a year later

The best way to get around Salzburg is on foot but our hotel's location doesn't allow us, a single trip on the bus is €2.50, a 24 h ticket €5.50. which covers the whole city. 
Who doesn't know "The Sound of Music"? Yes, hum it out ... "Do-Re-Mi" brought us to Mirabel Palace & Gardens
We sing and dance

Happy is shown on our face despite the sunny sun signing over us

Cross the bridge of love chain and welcome to city center
♩  ♯ °♭ ♮  
"I am 16 going on 17
I know that i'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe"

It's a quite long bus drive to Schloss Hellbrunn, at least you can sing the whole song a couple of times, it's only a straight bus from in front of the city center. We took in turn to do a jump shot in front of the legend Pavilion and it's freezing to stay any longer

Wrapped our night with a visit to Salzburg castle and Christmas market

A hot chocolate and a warm welcome from the owner of Cafe Matteo warms our body and heart up, really recommended coffee shop just a stroll from the castle especially with the free homemade backlava, just sweeten our day.

Sold at the Salzburg Christmas market

Not all the bus cost €2.50, at least the one that goes to Hallstatt, you better stay a night there if you plan to visit, it's amazinggggg!!!! €21 for the bus until Bad Ischl Bahnhof, don't ask me how to pronounce this, basically it's the last stop of Bus #150, you need to continue with train to Hallstatt, costs €7.5 then ferry to cross the lake to the village, costs €5. All cost here are for returned trips.

Private Ferry

"The picture is worth ten thousand words", getting to Hallstatt is when it leaves you speechless and let the pictures tell the story

Lunch with the view

I have seen snow along the way but to have it falling on me, flake by flake, it's my first time, fills my the feeling of first love, it's cold but beautiful.
Happiness is first track on fresh snow, we all deserve a little wanderlust ...Yesssss, Swiss Alps we are coming!!!!!!


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